5 Ways to Boost the Curb Appeal of Your Home

When it comes to houses, first impressions matter, as people quickly form opinions about a house based on a quick glance. A house with curb appeal looks nurtured and designed with integrity and love.
Here Are A Few Ways to Give Your Home That Eye Catching Charm Everyone Desires:
- Get Cleaning: This is the first step to enhancing the look of any place. Dirty and unkempt environment can make your home look ugly and shabby. An overgrown, weed filled yard is an instant turnoff. Start by getting rid of any extra junk and organize the exterior for a well-manicured look. Also, touch up any chipping or peeling at the earliest to prevent costly repairs in the future. A great option is to pressure wash your home every spring which can remove grime, dirt, loose paint and also prevent mold and mildew infestations.
- Install Outdoor Lighting: Lighting is often overlooked outside the house, but they are a great way to give an updated look to your home. You can try short, grounded light posts on either sides of the sidewalk or hang lanterns along the front of the patio. Another great option is to opt for solar lighting. Outdoor lighting fixtures give a welcoming glow that creates an inviting, warm feel to your home. They also provide a greater sense of safety to your home while keeping the focus on the luscious landscape. If you already have outdoor lighting, spruce up your current one with a fresh coat of spray paint.
- Create An Instant Garden: Add a little exterior character of your own by creating a small garden immediately in front of the house or the entryway by adding potted plants, tall succulents and climbers. For a small porch, add a vertical planter. Adding flower beds and hangings or potted planters are a great way to add natural elements with bursts of color which works to liven up your exterior. Include a mix of plant size in various colours for an eye catching combination of texture and colour. It adds contrast and visual depth to your home exterior making it instantly appealing.
- Exclusive Roofing: Most homeowners don’t give their roofs a second glance, but the roof is an important curb appeal item. The roof is a design element of your home, not just a necessity. Textural shingles are a great option to lend an effortless rusticity, aiding the home’s overall appeal.Roof tiling is also an affordable option as they are recyclable and provide insulation. Another durable option is metal roofing that can immediately add beauty and maintain it over a test of time. The latest in roofing is green roofing, which has a ton of health benefits and can make your home stand out from the rest.
- Retouch Your Paint: When it comes to curb appeal, sometimes all it takes is a slap of paint and a little creativity. Your front door is paramount when it comes to curb appeal. Paint it in bright colours and add an outer molding to create a statement entryway. Embellish it with details like a bold knocker. Consider adding fresh paint to your garage door as well as a weathered, peeling garage door has a big impact on curb appeal. If you have any exposed concrete or bricks, painting it can be a showstopper for curb appeal. Also windows, doors, railings and porch supports will all benefit from a fresh coat of paint. Just make sure to choose a colour palette in a few complementary colours that match to the overall theme of your exterior.
Author Bio:
Jessica Smith is a passionate blogger who is closely involved with websites working in home improvement and home building. She is a knowledge gatherer and enjoys writing on the latest trends on home improvement. Through her writing, she hopes to influence as many people as possible to help them build and maintain a beautiful home.