8 Ways to Declutter While Moving

Most of us now have at least heard about if not watched and read all the Netflix shows and books out there about decluttering your life, minimalism, and learning to live with less – and I bet most of us have also told ourselves we were going to act on those principles too! Maybe we cleaned out our closet once when we first read a book on minimalism or purged some books off our bookshelves, but few of us rarely take the time to actually declutter.
No time makes it more apparent just now much stuff we’ve accumulated over the years, quite like an impending move. So, why not take this time to put some of those decluttering principles to work and instead of packing up all of that junk, make it Almost 2 Easy Moving.
- Take measurements of your new space and see what furniture will fit. If you plan on bringing most of your old furniture with you, make it easier on you and Macho Movers by measuring your new space and deciding what you can bring and what you should sell on Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist or Kijiji.
- Actually, do a wardrobe clearout. If you haven’t worn it in the last year donate it or sell it on Poshmark or Depop.
- Super sentimental? Sort through all of your knick-knacks. We all keep things for sentimental purposes, but we don’t need to hold on to everything. Keep the stuff related to important memories or try to repurpose items, combine things like concert tickets into framed art or make scrapbooks.
- Purge your kitchen. We all have weird kitchen gadgets we’ve never used or things we were gifted and only tried once. Donate or sell all your unused kitchen gadgets and appliances. Have 3 sets of dinnerware and a cupboard full of mismatched glasses? Choose the ones you use and get rid of the rest. The kitchen can be one of the most stressful areas to pack, decluttering will make it ten times easier.
- Go through your cupboards, pantry, etc and donate non-perishables. Moving canned goods and large boxes or bags of non-perishables is a pain, make it easier on yourself and donate any unwanted items to a local food bank. Speaking of food, try and use up most of the food items in your fridge/freezer before you move so you don’t have to worry about safely transporting any temperature-dependent items (especially on those longer moves with Ferguson Moving).
- Digitize your office. Scan important documents and receipts and shred the physical copies (unless you absolutely need them!). Packing and unpacking loose sheets of paper is a nightmare, and let’s be real will probably stay in the boxes you pack them in for years to come.
- Donate Unwanted Books. Books are pretty cumbersome to pack and move, they’re heavy, can be awkward sizes, and take up a lot of space both moving and in the home. If you have any books that you don’t like, no longer want or don’t think you’ll read, donate them or give them to friends and family so someone else can enjoy!
- Seriously cut back on trinkets, novelty items and “decorative clutter.” You know the things we buy to decorate our shelves or coffee tables, or those novelty figurines we buy of our favourite tv show characters? When you’re moving it’s easier to see that maybe we don’t need all of those little trinkets.
Whether you’re using a moving company or just the help of your friends, take the time to actually declutter each room while you pack and you’d be amazed how much simpler the moving process becomes!