Dangers Involved In The Process of Tree Removal

Tree removal experts remove several stumps and trees in a year, but they need to take several measures and precautions to keep themselves and the surroundings protected from injuries and damage. It is a fact that removing trees is a dangerous job, and that is why people hire professionals to do the job safely and efficiently. Let’s have a look at the dangers involved in the process, so that you can make an informed decision about choosing the right professional expert.
Reasons To Not Attempt Tree Removal Process On Your Own
Tools are the major dangers related to the process of tree removal. There are several sharp tools involved in the process, including wood chippers, chainsaws, axes, and other hand and power tools. Even a minor distraction can inflict severe damage to the arms, legs, hands, or other body parts of the person in a fraction of second. Eventually, this leads to huge financial loss as well in terms of treatment, recovery and loss of job. Professional experts use these tools almost every day, but still they get injured at times. So, if you have no experience in handling these tools, you should not risk harm and call for experts.
Falling tree
Another danger involved with the process of tree removal is the falling tree itself. While you are trying to remove the tree, you may not have the right equipment and safety gear, in the absence of which you may get hit by the falling tree and hurt yourself. Even if you have the proper tools weaker limbs may give bad support and cause the tree to fall unexpectedly. If there are electrical lines, telephone lines or other wires within the proximity, the falling tree may damage them.
Habitation on the tree
Another possible hazard related to tree removal is ecosystem on the tree itself. There may be poisonous plants and insects on the tree, which may send you to hospital if you get exposed to them. That is why experts always wear protective gear and heavy-duty work gloves while scaling the trees. Some trees may also have toxic chemicals leaking on them from the nearby power lines, because of which professional inspection is required before removing them. There are several regulations that have to be followed while dealing with such hazards, and only professionals have the resources to follow them religiously.
Another hazard you have to deal with is the deadwood or rotting wood in the tree. If it is about to die, it must have become unpredictable and may become unstable while falling down. Dying or dead trees often have hollow trunks, due to which it may become risky to cut them using power tools. Such a tree is often removed using a crane. So, if there are signs of rot in a tree in your surroundings, then have it removed before it dies completely
Falling direction
The final danger comes when the tree actually falls down. It will not always fall down the way you expected, which means that it may cause extensive damage to the people, properties, and power lines around it. A tree removal expert will prepare the space first, cut indentations at the right places, and attach wires to let the tree fall in the right direction.
With so many dangers involved in removing a tree from your yard, garden or surrounding area, it’s best to call professionals instead of trying to do it yourself. Make sure that the tree removal experts you are calling are experienced in the task, so that all the above-mentioned dangers are negated and everything stays safe during the process.