Decorating Ideas That Will Make Your Room Stand Out From The Crowd

When it comes to decorating the bedroom, a lot of people just go out and buy a comforter and some pillows and call it a day, but if you want a really great look in your bedroom, your going to have to do a bit more. Here are some bedroom decorating ideas.
- Pillows
Pillows belong in a bedroom, but do you know how to set them up correctly? If you’ve ever seen one of those beds in the magazines with the layers of pillows at the top and wondered how they do it – it’s really quite simple. The trick lay in putting the pillow on its side, not flat. Not only that but you need to have at least 3 rows – larger pillows in the back, a bit smaller in front and the you can have just 1 pillow or a roll pillow in the very front. Go with 2 really huge ones in the back or a row of 3, then two in front of those and either 1 or 2 really small accent pillows in front of those. Don’t forget to mix and match fabric textures and prints, but tie it all in by using the same colors.
- Headboards
You might already have a headboard that goes with your bedroom set but for those that don’t there are some really cute bedroom decorating ideas you can use to make a custom and unique headboard. Mirrors can make an interesting headboard – buy one huge one and hang it on the wall right at the head of the bed. Always wanted a fireplace in your bedroom? Why not try a fireplace mantel for a headboard? If you like a country look, you could use a white picket fence as the headboard. The opportunity for creativity is endless here – so go ahead and use your imagination.
- Accessories
Accessories can make or break your bedroom design, so you want to find accessories that are unique and interesting but also match your decorating theme. Try looking at antique stores or going to estate sales where you can find some wonderful items at a real bargain. Make sure you stick to things you like which also go with your bedroom. The trick to displaying a group of items is to always display them in an odd number. If you are grouping things on a bureau or nightstand, be sure they are of varying heights.
You can get more bedroom decorating ideas by looking through a decorating magazine or going to the library and perusing one of the many decorating books that have been published. Find a look you love and then go ahead and recreate it in your own bedroom!
Even if you’ve never tried home decorating before, creating a wonderful Italian country decorating theme in your bedroom is easy if you know what to do. Here are selected design ideas on how you can transform your bedroom to have the feeling of the Tuscan countryside.
You want to stick to earth tones with splashes of color colors for the tones in your Italian home decorating bedroom. Once you have painted, make sure you keep a paint card with the tints you are using. You can carry the paint cards with you when shopping for accessories and furniture and be assured that the colors will match.
In the bedroom, you want to add flower vases and photos in frames along with bed and nightstands. You want to end up with a simple, country style with oak or pine furniture. Careful selection of furniture and accessories will enhance your Italian home decorating design style.
Your decorating project ought to pay attention to old pottery, chippy painted items for adding flavor to the room, but you also want to think about the flooring, window treatments and walls. Window treatments for the Italian country decorating theme should be earthy and decorative. You could consider adding to your windows with simple curtains. When you have the look you want on your windows, you’ll find that your walls need sprucing up. To decorate the walls to add appeal to your interior decorating scheme, try adding country prints in simple frames.
You also want to make sure to get the proper lighting for your decorating theme bedroom usually has bedside lamps as their lighting source. Look for lighting that is antique or dripping with crystals to match with the Italian country decorating theme interior decorating theme.
Another integral component that will help give the room designer appeal together is flooring and adding area rugs to your Italian country decorating theme bedroom can make the room look pleasing. The ideal flooring for your informal and elegant look is unassuming rugs which you might want to purchase in subtle colors.
To add even more decorative charm to your Italian home decorating try a string of peppers hanging on the wall or simple pottery in decorative corners plus dried flowers, wrought iron candleholders, and ironstone china to accentuate your decor. For a nice decorative style add pillows that have fringes. In addition to a few greenery and plants.
Putting together an Italian country decorating theme bedroom can be fun and easy if you assemble a decent plan ahead of time. Simply buy the accessories and furniture on your plan and put them in place – your room with have the feel of the Tuscan countryside in no time!