Feng Shui for Beginners: Harmonising Your Living Space

Feng Shui for Beginners: Harmonising Your Living Space

The well-known word “Feng Shui” describes the direction and spatial organisation of energy flow, or “chi.” Most people have heard of the term but many are still unaware of the basic feng shui. This is the practice of placing specific objects in various areas of your house to create a harmonious and balanced energy flow that helps you stay grounded.

There are five elements of feng shui. These include earth, metal, wind, water, and fire. When incorporating feng shui into your home, you will often want to balance these five elements. Not balancing these elements can lead to “bad feng shui”, which can create disharmony and chaos in your feng shui attempt.

Feng shui is considered one of the best home decor styles in the world. In this guide, we will examine how you can harmonise your living space by incorporating feng shui practices into your home.

The Luck Corners of Feng-Shui

There are two perspectives on luck corners: Western and Classic Feng Shui. Although there is nothing wrong with either of them, you should not combine the two schools when using feng shui in your home. Let’s take a look at each of these:

Classic Feng Shui

According to Classic Feng Shui, a house’s corners change according to the direction it faces. It functions like a compass, with a different element of luck represented by each direction. Pie-shaped wedges make up the feng shui bagua, and each sector can be arranged to bring about a certain kind of luck. The orientation of the home determines where this should be put.

The eight directions and the spheres of life they impact are as follows:

  • North: Career luck
  • North-East: Education luck
  • East: Health luck
  • South-East: Wealth luck
  • South: Recognition and Fame luck
  • South-West: Love and Relationship Luck
  • West: Descendent luck
  • North West: Mentor luck

Western Feng Shui

The Black Sect of Tantric Buddhism Feng Shui (BTB), commonly referred to as Western Feng Shui, ignores the traditional compass technique entirely and concentrates on just four corners. BTB offers a useful and uncomplicated method of using feng shui to attain comparable effects, even though it might not have the depth and intricacy of Classic Feng Shui.

The four BTB corners and their respective meanings are as follows:

  • Wealth for the upper-left corner
  • Love/relationship for the upper-right corner
  • Knowledge/wisdom for the lower-left corner
  • People and travel for the lower-right corner

How to Activate Room Corners

Clean Rooms

Dirt, debris and dust can all negatively impact feng shui and create disharmony within a room. You should maintain good maintenance throughout each corner of your home and ensure that it doesn’t get cluttered. Getting rid of any useless and unused items can be a great step in ensuring that you maintain balance in your home.

Add Good Luck Symbols

The energy flow in the space can be improved by arranging lucky charms and other items strategically. Coins, pots, gems, mystic knots, and a three-legged toad are a few examples of lucky symbols. Charms for good luck related to the corner will be even more beneficial.

Avoid Poison Arrow Corners

Both naturally occurring and artificially created, poison arrows have acute angles and point both inside and outside of your home. This can lead to unhealthy blockages and sharp edges in your house, which counteract the practices of feng shui. You can employ remedies for poison arrows to assist with this.

Fix Broken Decor

Making improvements to your home can help improve the feng shui of your home. Any items that are broken or not working should either be repaired promptly or thrown away. You can make life easier for yourself by seeking plant hire solutions that are specifically designed to improve the feng shui of your home.

Use Purple Decor

Using colour to decorate is one of the most significant methods to bring life to the corners of your room. The richest part of the home is the most popular area of luck, as everyone wants to get rich. Purple is the colour most related to this, so using this more will improve riches luck. You can use furniture, pillows, blankets, painted walls, artwork, and more to incorporate this colour.


By understanding the concept of feng shui and the significance of the five elements, you can embark on a journey to transform your living space into a harmonious haven. Whether you lean towards the intricacies of Classic Feng Shui or the simplicity of Western Feng Shui, the goal remains the same: to create a balanced environment that positively influences your life.

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