Tags: bean bag
The Most Definitive Guide to Choosing the Right Bean Bag

Before you decide on which bean bag to get for your family or yourself, you want to read this through. Bean bags are often a nostalgic piece of Americana but haven’t always been the seating of choice for adults. There is good news though, you can have a comfortable bean bag that has the comfort of your old school bean bag while giving you the look of a traditional piece of furniture. Furniture shopping is a big deal. Not only can this definitive guide help you choose the right bean bag, but it can also point you in the right
4 Reasons Why Bean Bags Are Surging in Popularity

It’s probably been years since you considered a bean bag chair a viable piece of furniture. You might remember bean bags from your time in college or the first time you lived on your own. Those squishy lumps were the best place to collapse into after a long day. But the idea of having a bean bag now? In your adult home with all its nice stuff? That would be unthinkable, right? Think again! Bean bags are back in style and they are all the rage. That being said, these modern bean bags don’t look much like their lumpy counterparts